Come and Join us – dates for 2019 coming soon!

Come and join us and be part of the team for a longer or shorter period during the summer months of May – September – dates for 2019 for you and your friends to join will be announced soon!

Mission is fun!

Join us on the Streets, beach, sun, fun, being part of the Gap Cafe, prayer walks, devotionals… sharing life in the Street Angel House.

Being on the streets of Magaluf has been a great experience – seeing situations changed and sorted by the power of prayer. God has used me to pray and come alongside many and see lives changed. With experience of being a mum I have been able to offer motherly love that’s so greatly needed.
Julie, Portsmouth, England

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  1. Engel auf dem Ballermann – on December 31, 2018 at 3:44 pm

    […] Du möchtest mehr erfahren? Dann besuch die Website der Straßenengel von Mallorca. Vielleicht trägst Du auch bald eine gelbe Weste und gehst im Sommer durch die Partymeile von Magaluf, um Gottes Liebe weiterzugeben. Come and Join them. Mission is fun. Mission macht Spaß!!! […]