Contact Street Angels


Mobile: +34 605 226 919

Passport Stolen?

If you have had your passport stolen or need any other help from the British consulate whilst in Mallorca, you will find their opening hours and contact details here:

Their office is in the centre of Palma very close to Plaza Espanya see the map below.

Find / Block your stolen phone

Locate Missing iPhone with Find My iPhone:
Sign in your iCloud account using Apple ID.

Locate Missing Android phone
Sign into your google account here:

Report a crime?

policia map

If you need to report a crime after it has happened you need to visit the local Policia station which is on Son Bugadelles (about a 10 minute taxi ride from Magaluf)

Alternatively, you can call:

902 102 112 between 0900 - 2100 and then go to a police station of your choice to collect the report, however in most cases it will probably be simplest to just go directly to the Police station.

Need help to stop drinking?


Just need to talk?

People reach out to us at Street Angels Spain when they are physically lost and can't find their hotel. However, we meet people who are also lost mentally and emotionally. Lost means that there is an emptiness which usually leads to pain.

Too often we either learn to live with it or fill the void with something that offers short-term solutions only.
In these challenging times, people are increasingly in need of support for their mental health. Street Angel's future vision is to provide a no-fee counselling service for vulnerable people.

Your donations will go directly to this cause, which covers the running of this service.
The big picture is to create a 'safe space' for people to share openly without the fear of being judged, criticised, or feeling ashamed.
