Whilst holidays should be fun, sometimes they can go wrong. So what is the best way to stay safe in Magaluf? These tips will help you have a safer and better holiday.
1. Remember the name of your hotel!
I know that sounds silly but groups, of people arrive here not even knowing the name of the place where they are staying. It is
usually because one person has been the organiser. A lot of the hotels provide wristbands however, not all of them have the name of the hotel on them.
2. Remember the area you are staying in.
Look for any landmarks that may help you distinguish one place from another. Places look the same, especially at night.
3. Stay with your friends.
If you have an Apple iPhone, you can use the Find My app. Or use Google Maps Location sharing on Android. Otherwise, arrange a meeting place before you go out so that if you do lose your friends, they know where to
find you.
4. Don’t take out too much money and make sure you are aware of your
There has been a lot of theft on the strip. People have their phones stolen and since we spend a lot of our lives on our mobiles, it can be a very distressing experience. If you do lose your phone, or any belongings make sure you report it to the local police the next day so that you can get a report for your insurance company. If you lose your passport then contact the British Consulate in
5. Drink lots of water.
The drinks in some of the bars can be very strong and are not always measured, as they are in the UK. So make sure you pace yourself, your night will be longer and more pleasurable. We see a lot of very drunk people who are often ill and cannot get home.
6. Make sure you eat before you go out drinking. Drinking on an empty stomach is not a good idea as you can become ill very quickly. Having food before you go out will soak up some of the alcohol and you will be able to stay out longer.
7. Don’t stay in the sun too long.
The sun here is very strong in the summer and sometimes people can get sunstroke, especially if they are drinking throughout the
day and the night The body gets dehydrated and you can become very sick. Also, skin cancer is on the rise, so make sure you stay out of the sun during the hours of 14:00 to 16:00 and put on a high-factor sunscreen.
8. Contact the emergency services. If a crisis does happen and need more help, call 112 and get directed to either the ambulance or police. They do speak English on the phone.
Enjoy your time in Mallorca!
If you have had your passport stolen or need any other help from the British consulate whilst in Mallorca, you will find their opening hours and contact details here: https://www.gov.uk
Their office is in the centre of Palma very close to Plaza Espanya see the map below.
Locate Missing iPhone with Find My iPhone:
Sign in your iCloud account using Apple ID.
Locate Missing Android phone
Sign into your google account here:

If you need to report a crime after it has happened you need to visit the local Policia station which is on Son Bugadelles (about a 10 minute taxi ride from Magaluf)
Alternatively, you can call:
902 102 112 between 0900 - 2100 and then go to a police station of your choice to collect the report, however in most cases it will probably be simplest to just go directly to the Police station.
If you are struggling emotionally or mentally and need to talk, then email us contact@streetangels.es and we will aim to get in touch within 24 hours.
We have trained counsellors who will be able to help you during your stay here in Mallorca.
Visit: https://aamallorca.org/